As I posted earlier, I am in Miami for the week. It has been such a learning experience that I will never forget. Here is a very short rundown of some of the major events....
Monday morning I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I was told to monitor my blood glucose levels and they gave us some medicine to take before bedtime(metformin). We were taught how to use our blood glucose monitors and sent on our way. Let me just say, checking your blood glucose levels HURTS!!! The anticipation of having to prick your finger over and over and over throughout the day STINKS! In the afternoon we were taught how to count carbs(since carbs are what impact a person's glucose levels). This is no easy task either. They did give us some awesome carb counting books, so it made it much easier, but not easy by any means.
By Tuesday my diabetes had progressed and I was told that I would have to take one shot of insulin on Tuesday. So, during class, we had to draw up our insulin in a vial and syringe. This was VERY difficult too(thank God for our flexpen!). The numbers were so hard to read on the syringe! After it was drawn up, I then had to give myself the actual shot. I waited and waited and did a count down(chickend out) and waited and counted down again(chickened out again) and waited some more. Then the instructor came around and I couldn't chicken out any more. So, I gave myself the shot of insulin(it was really a saline shot so don't get worried) and to my surprise, it was painless!!! I promise!! Checking my blood glucose levels hurts so much more!!
Today, Wednesday, my diabetes had progressed again and I was told I would have to take multiple shots of insulin with my meals and before bed. along with checking my sugars before and after every meal and snacks AND counting carbs.
This has been such a challenging, long week and it is only Wednesday! Each morning, we are diagnosed with more severe diabetes and told what to do and then we have class all day, so its not like we are just sitting there giggling until our next meal.
The great thing in all of this is that at the end of the week, I don't have to do this anymore. However, there are millions of people in the world living with diabetes everyday and unfortunately, it doesnt just go away. I truly believe that there will be a cure for diabetes in my lifetime. While this shouldn't be something I wish for(since I won't have a job anymore), I still do. The Diabetes Research Institution(here in Miami) is working on just that. While that doesn't seem like much, after taking a tour of the facility and hearing the progress that has been made, I know we will see it happen!
Sorry for the post without pics, but I can't post any until I get home on Friday!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Happy 18 Months and Miami
Today is Tatum's 18 month birthday. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures to post cause I am on my work computer in Miami, but I wanted to write about how much Tatum is doing.
She is SO grown up now! She talks so much (even if we don't understand most of it). We can carry on a conversation for a while. It is so cute.
She LOVES LOVES LOVES Maggie(our chocolate lab). As soon as she gets up in the morning, she has to see Maggie. Before we leave to go to school she blows kisses to Maggie. As soon as we get home she goes to check on Maggie. And, before bedtime she tells Maggie night night. It is super cute and sweet. Maggie loves Tatum so much too. They give each other kisses through the baby gate and Tatum gets to give Maggie a treat every day too.
She is definitely walking and doing a little running too.
Her vocabulary is growing so much. She makes lots of animal sounds, but her favorite are a dog, rooster, duck, and cat.
She is now officially off the pacifier. That was much easier than we thought it would be and we are not going back!
She went through a period where she would hardly eat anything we put in front of her, but she is not getting much better. She will pretty much eat anything that is dipped in something....ketchup, ranch, honey mustard, etc.
I already miss her so much, but I know she is in great hands with Antonio.
I guess that's about it for now. I tried to take her for her 18 month checkup this past week, but they wouldn't see her til after her 18 month bday, so I will take her next week when I get back from Miami.
I left home this morning and got to Miami about noon. A few other coworkers and I checked in our rooms and headed to the pool for a while. I got a little sun on the front half of my body, but now I have this line cause there was NO WAY my fat butt was going to be pointed towards the sky for all to see. Oh well, I would rather have a line I think.
After the pool time, I showered, unpacked my bags, and rested for a while. I just ordered room service and plan to eat, watch Big Brother, and go to bed.
Tomorrow starts the first day of my "living like a diabetic patient". I have to check my sugar 4 times a day, take 3 insulin(really saline) shots every day, write down EVERYTHING I eat and drink, count my carbs, and document any exercising I do. It should be very interesting.
Well, that's it for now. I dont know if I will be able to post much this week or check emails or anything because I forgot my computer charger(EEEERRRR!!!!). However, I may be able to find one to borrow since everyone here for training has the same computer.
Have a great week and I will be posting pictures from my trip when I get home. I already took a 'priceless' photo today.
One more thing....HUGE CONGRATS to my friend Heather. She had her baby, Jayden James, today. He was 3 weeks early, but he weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and is healthy and happy. Heather and James(her husband) are proud new parents, but please keep them in your prayers as they begin their journey in life as a family of 3! (Heather is the one that I had a baby shower for a few weeks ago that I blogged about). I am going to see them on Friday night when I get home, but I am upset that I don't get to see them all sooner.
She is SO grown up now! She talks so much (even if we don't understand most of it). We can carry on a conversation for a while. It is so cute.
She LOVES LOVES LOVES Maggie(our chocolate lab). As soon as she gets up in the morning, she has to see Maggie. Before we leave to go to school she blows kisses to Maggie. As soon as we get home she goes to check on Maggie. And, before bedtime she tells Maggie night night. It is super cute and sweet. Maggie loves Tatum so much too. They give each other kisses through the baby gate and Tatum gets to give Maggie a treat every day too.
She is definitely walking and doing a little running too.
Her vocabulary is growing so much. She makes lots of animal sounds, but her favorite are a dog, rooster, duck, and cat.
She is now officially off the pacifier. That was much easier than we thought it would be and we are not going back!
She went through a period where she would hardly eat anything we put in front of her, but she is not getting much better. She will pretty much eat anything that is dipped in something....ketchup, ranch, honey mustard, etc.
I already miss her so much, but I know she is in great hands with Antonio.
I guess that's about it for now. I tried to take her for her 18 month checkup this past week, but they wouldn't see her til after her 18 month bday, so I will take her next week when I get back from Miami.
I left home this morning and got to Miami about noon. A few other coworkers and I checked in our rooms and headed to the pool for a while. I got a little sun on the front half of my body, but now I have this line cause there was NO WAY my fat butt was going to be pointed towards the sky for all to see. Oh well, I would rather have a line I think.
After the pool time, I showered, unpacked my bags, and rested for a while. I just ordered room service and plan to eat, watch Big Brother, and go to bed.
Tomorrow starts the first day of my "living like a diabetic patient". I have to check my sugar 4 times a day, take 3 insulin(really saline) shots every day, write down EVERYTHING I eat and drink, count my carbs, and document any exercising I do. It should be very interesting.
Well, that's it for now. I dont know if I will be able to post much this week or check emails or anything because I forgot my computer charger(EEEERRRR!!!!). However, I may be able to find one to borrow since everyone here for training has the same computer.
Have a great week and I will be posting pictures from my trip when I get home. I already took a 'priceless' photo today.
One more thing....HUGE CONGRATS to my friend Heather. She had her baby, Jayden James, today. He was 3 weeks early, but he weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and is healthy and happy. Heather and James(her husband) are proud new parents, but please keep them in your prayers as they begin their journey in life as a family of 3! (Heather is the one that I had a baby shower for a few weeks ago that I blogged about). I am going to see them on Friday night when I get home, but I am upset that I don't get to see them all sooner.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Random Update...
Just thought I would update on a few things.
Tatum-Tatum has been OFFICIALLY cut off from her pacifier. Tuesday night, Antonio and I decided that it was time to get rid of it. She only got it at bedtime and when she was really fussy because of being sleepy. However, it still seemed that she had it too much. We had hoped to have this done by 12 months, but when that time rolled around she was teething which made it hard. Anyway, Tuesday night we put her to be at about 8:30(30 minutes past her bedtime) so taht she would be really sleepy. She ended up crying for about 45 minutes and FINALLY went to sleep. I was worried that she would wake up earlier or something, but she actually slept until I had to wake her up. Last night she cried for about 5 minutes and she was out. So, she is doing great so far. I know it has only been 2 nights, but I think it is a done deal because if we go back now and give it to her it will only make it harder to undo that in the future.
Me-I woke up this morning at 3:30 because I couldn't sleep! I am having trouble with my migranes again, so I got up and took my medicine, but I was up for the day.
Antonio-Antonio is doing well as usual. He is working out, loving his job, and enjoying spending time with Tatum. He is gearing up to holding up 'the fort' while I am in Miami all next week. I am sure they will have tons of fun!
Other-So many friends and people I know are pregnant! I have 2 friends that i am just waiting to hear that their babies are here, a few that are about half way there, and YESTERDAY I found out that TWO of my friends are newly pregnant!!! I am so excited for everyone! Antonio and I are going to wait a while to get preggers again, so all of these babies on the way are great. I can get my fun in with visiting the babies, but I still get to go home and sleep all the way through the night. perfect!
That's it. Have a great one!
Tatum-Tatum has been OFFICIALLY cut off from her pacifier. Tuesday night, Antonio and I decided that it was time to get rid of it. She only got it at bedtime and when she was really fussy because of being sleepy. However, it still seemed that she had it too much. We had hoped to have this done by 12 months, but when that time rolled around she was teething which made it hard. Anyway, Tuesday night we put her to be at about 8:30(30 minutes past her bedtime) so taht she would be really sleepy. She ended up crying for about 45 minutes and FINALLY went to sleep. I was worried that she would wake up earlier or something, but she actually slept until I had to wake her up. Last night she cried for about 5 minutes and she was out. So, she is doing great so far. I know it has only been 2 nights, but I think it is a done deal because if we go back now and give it to her it will only make it harder to undo that in the future.
Me-I woke up this morning at 3:30 because I couldn't sleep! I am having trouble with my migranes again, so I got up and took my medicine, but I was up for the day.
Antonio-Antonio is doing well as usual. He is working out, loving his job, and enjoying spending time with Tatum. He is gearing up to holding up 'the fort' while I am in Miami all next week. I am sure they will have tons of fun!
Other-So many friends and people I know are pregnant! I have 2 friends that i am just waiting to hear that their babies are here, a few that are about half way there, and YESTERDAY I found out that TWO of my friends are newly pregnant!!! I am so excited for everyone! Antonio and I are going to wait a while to get preggers again, so all of these babies on the way are great. I can get my fun in with visiting the babies, but I still get to go home and sleep all the way through the night. perfect!
That's it. Have a great one!
Monday, April 21, 2008
My Birthday Weekend...
Let's see, I thought I should do a recap of all that we did this weekend. Friday, I went to work and when I was headed home, I got held up on my street because 2 cars were blocking the road. I was so mad that I went home and got my camera out to take some pictures...
As you can see, it wasn't just ANY random cars, it was COP cars. I would like to say THANK YOU to these cops for blocking the street and causing a few people to almost have wrecks head on trying to get around you. Lovely tax payer's money at work...
After I FINALLY got home, Antonio and I got ready, dropped Tatum off at Antonio's parent's house for the night and met up with some friends at The Butcher Shop. I have been wanting a good steak, so my meal really hit the spot.
After dinner, this came out to our table...
Since there were only 8 of us at dinner, this is what was left over for the staff at the restaurant to enjoy.
Here are pictures of everyone that was there....first up, Tim and Jennifer...(Tim was too busy enjoying his yummy cake to smile for the picture).
Jessica and Scott...
Mike and Jenny...
and me and Antonio...
and me and Antonio (take 2)...
After dinner we all headed to the bowling alley for some bowling are Scott and Jessica being silly...
Jennifer said it couldn't be done....she said I was not allowed to take a picture of someone else taking a picture, but I did it anyway....haha..
Then she posed for me...
Here are all the girls...
After bowling, Tim, Jennifer, Antonio, and I all headed to Sheridan's Custard for some delicious ice cream and then went back to their house to watch a movie.
If you can't read it, it says, "You're no George St. Pierre, But You'll Do!" If you don't know, George St. Pierre is a UFC fighter that Ashley thinks is pretty nice to the eyes.
Saturday, Antonio let me sleep in while he went and picked up Tatum from his parents house. Then, Jennifer, Tatum, and I headed to the gym to work out(Tatum went into the childcare at the gym). Jennifer and I tried a Yoga/Pilates class, but I HATED it. I couldn't stop trying to figure out how to get out of the class early. We ended up staying the whole time and said we would never go back to that class.
After the gym, we headed to the mall so I could go buy my birthday present(I told Antonio I wanted new tennis shoes, so he thought it would be best that I picked them out myself). We at lunch at the mall and then shopped for about an hour. I got my tennis shoes and ended up getting Antonio and Tatum some new tennis shoes as well. After that, Tatum and I headed home for a much needed nap.
Saturday night, we went over to Kevin and Ashley's house for a birthday party for Kevin. Here is his cake...
Coleman called dibs on the BLUE balloon and he couldn't wait for his mommy to light all the candles...


Tatum now LOVES to put on any shoes left laying out.(heels, tennis shoes, flip flops, whatever). Scott left his shoes out and she decided to climb in them...


Since there were so many people and kids at the birthday party for Kevin, we decided to let Tatum stay up as long as she didn't get fussy. She stayed up til past MIDNIGHT!!! She was so good and we changed her into her PJs before we headed home. I think she was out before we left the driveway, but we had lots of fun. 




Tatum LOVED the slide the best...





I wanted to get a picture of Tatum on her way down the slide...
As you can see, I did get the shot, but failed to really catch Tatum very well before she hit the ground. DONT WORRY, she didn't cry or get hurt or anything, but she did end up sitting on the ground instead of in my hands.
This next picture is my absolute FAVORITE picture of Tatum. It is a picture of her coming down the slide that goes in a circle as it comes down. As you can tell she was LOVIN it and static was building up in her hair too.
When we told Tatum we had to go home to nap for a little bit, she did this...

We went home and napped for a bit. When naps were over, we got up, got ready and headed over to Antonio's parent's house for my birthday dinner. Antonio's mom and Aunt fixed me a wonderful Colombian meal and I loved it. I didn't even think to get my camera out to take any pictures, but we had a great time spending the evening with the family.
Sunday, my actually birthday, Antonio, Tatum, and I slept in and then got up and headed to brunch. After brunch we decided to go to the playground at our gym and let Tatum play for a bit. She had a great time. Here are some pictures...
We are all wearing our new tennis shoes, but you probably can't see them in the pics...
I wanted to get a picture of Tatum on her way down the slide...
This is the look that Antonio gave me for not catching her...
We headed home and went to bed so that we could start our work week off on Monday(today). I had a blast this weekend and it was super nice because the weather was so beautiful. A huge thank you to everyone that made my birthday so special!
Birthdays Galore...
There have been SEVERAL family members and friends with birthdays in April and I haven't done a good job at all of wishing everyone a happy birthday on their day, so I figured I could do it all at once...
Happy Birthday Gran(my grandmother, Tatum's great grandmother)-April 3rd
Happy Birthday Kenny(my uncle, Tatum's great uncle(??))-April 13th
Happy Birthday Clif(my brother, Tatum's uncle)-April 14th
Happy Birthday Mckayla(my niece, Tatum's cousin)-April 14th
Happy Birthday Jessica C. (a great friend of mine)-April 15th
Happy Birthday Courtney (another great friend and twin sister to Jessica)-April 15th
Happy 1st Birthday Riley(one of our friend's daughter. She is SO CUTE, but I didn't get a picture of her this weekend).-April 15h
Happy Birthday Pops!(my grandfather, Tatum's great grandfather that passed away a few years ago)-April 19th
Happy Birthday to ME(I will post pictures from my birthday weekend in a seperate blog)-April 20th
Happy Birthday Keith(a friend and neighbor of ours)-April 20th
Happy Birthday Kevin(one of Antonio's friends and the husband of my friend)-April 28th
Hopefully I didn't leave anyone out. Anyway, below are a few pictures from Mckayla's birthday from a few weekends ago.
Mckayla had a birthday party with her friend Anna from school since their birthdays are so close. Their party was held at Pump It Up, so before the jumping could start, everyone had to watch a safety video...(Mckayla is in red with a birthday crown and Anna is in pink)
Tatum decided she better watch the video too if she planned to jump!

As you can see, not everyone watched the safety video close CLEARLY stated that sliding head first down the slide was NOT allowed, yet here is Anna and her Daddy(Gary Z.) being rebelious. What a bad example for kids, eh? (haha)
Next is Antonio and Tatum having fun...
Mya and Cyp...
Daddy and Tatum posing for a picture...
Me and Tatum, but the pic is not great and is blurry too...
Cyp and Mya liked haning out at the top of the slide watching everyone.

Mckayla with some friends sliding down the slide..
Happy Birthday Gran(my grandmother, Tatum's great grandmother)-April 3rd
Happy Birthday Kenny(my uncle, Tatum's great uncle(??))-April 13th
Happy Birthday Clif(my brother, Tatum's uncle)-April 14th
Happy Birthday Mckayla(my niece, Tatum's cousin)-April 14th
Happy Birthday Jessica C. (a great friend of mine)-April 15th
Happy Birthday Courtney (another great friend and twin sister to Jessica)-April 15th
Happy 1st Birthday Riley(one of our friend's daughter. She is SO CUTE, but I didn't get a picture of her this weekend).-April 15h
Happy Birthday Pops!(my grandfather, Tatum's great grandfather that passed away a few years ago)-April 19th
Happy Birthday to ME(I will post pictures from my birthday weekend in a seperate blog)-April 20th
Happy Birthday Keith(a friend and neighbor of ours)-April 20th
Happy Birthday Kevin(one of Antonio's friends and the husband of my friend)-April 28th
Hopefully I didn't leave anyone out. Anyway, below are a few pictures from Mckayla's birthday from a few weekends ago.
Mckayla had a birthday party with her friend Anna from school since their birthdays are so close. Their party was held at Pump It Up, so before the jumping could start, everyone had to watch a safety video...(Mckayla is in red with a birthday crown and Anna is in pink)
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