Here it goes....the secret revealed....
Everyone knows that I live in Memphis (aka the place with the hottest summers EVER). Well, our air conditioner decided that it would be FUNNY to stop working Friday sometime before I got home from work. That's right, the hottest weekend of the year and my a/c goes out!! I have sweat off so many LBS!!!
Okay, so I must confess that I did NOT lose 5 pounds in 3 days, but I knew no one would read this blog and offer any sympathy without a picture, so I had to put something catchy in the title.
Sorry to disappoint everyone. There is no secret to losing weight other than diet and exercise I guess.
As for the weekend...other than the lack of a/c, we have had a pretty good weekend. Antonio and I have been prepping for a yard sale this weekend, so Friday night was the night to do LOTS of hard work and get everything ready for Sunday. 2 other couples came over and cooked out Friday night and helped with getting things together. Thanks to all of their help, we got everything together and had lots of fun. I know that they are definitely true friends because they came over, and STAYED over even though we had no air!!! WOW!!!
Then Saturday morning, I got up at 4am and started setting everything out. We weren't supposed to open until 6 am, but our first shopper came around 5:30am. Jennifer and Tim came over to help us all day and they got there around 5:30am. We ended up making over $700!!! And, at the end of the day, we loaded all of the leftovers and took them immediately to Goodwill instead of bringing it back in the house. We are de-cluttering the house.
Saturday night Tatum and I stayed at my sister's house and camped out in their living room on a pallet I made for the two of us. Antonio stayed at home and tried to fix the a/c, but didn't have any luck.
Sunday afternoon, Antonio and I went and picked out new living room furniture and it is scheduled to be delivered Wednesday!! I am so excited!!! We have done so much to fix up our house, but we haven't bought NEW furniture for any of the rooms. We did buy some bedroom furniture, but it was bought from a family friend and not from the store. I will definitely post a picture of the furniture when we get it in the house. Here is a picture of what we ordered. We are getting the couch, loveseat, chair, and ottoman. It is all chocolate brown and the microfiber stuff(including the chair that is not pictured). We wanted to get the accent chair pictured, but it was just too uncomfortable and Antonio wanted more of a man's chair that he could call his own. I thought that was cute! Also, it comes with the funky throw pillows which I do like.

I think Tatum is getting sick and I am blaming that on the fact that our house is so hot and she is going from very hot to cool. She has a "not-so-nice" cough and a runny nose. I don't know if it is teeth or what. Either way, the cough is getting to me, so we went to Walgreens today and got some medicine for her. I am hoping she makes it thru the day tomorrow at daycare without being sent home. I have another busy week ahead of me and I don't need to be taking off it I can help it. However, if she is sick, I will gladly take off to spend the day with her because even when she is not feeling well, we still have fun playing.
Anyone that is concerned about the fact that we have no a/c in the deathly Memphis heat, I will let you know. We have a window unit in our back bathroom that seems to be cooling off our room and Tatum's room enough that we can manage to stay here. We are literally living and camping out back there for now.
Please pray that Antonio gets the a/c fixed tomorrow!! I have lots to do to clean up the house before the furniture can go in and it is impossible to do that without a/c!!
Until next time....
The new furniture looks really nice! I hope your air is working by now.
I really believed that you lost that weight sweating! I was felling sooooo sorry for you, but then, I found out you were being dishonest with me. How sad! Seriously, I am sorry that your AC has been out and I hope that Tatum is not getting sick. You can always come to Gibson County where it is nice and cool. lol
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