Sunday, November 19, 2006

Activities of Last Week

Well, I don't really have any pictures to post from this past week, but I still wanted to write about everything we did.

One thing I forgot to write about was Tatum's 2 week dr's appt. that we had 11-9-06. Everything went very well and she was great. She had gained a little weight too. She weighed exactly 7 lbs. (she was 6 lbs. 13 oz. at birth).

Tuesday-Tatum Alivia and I went to the Phi Mu Alumni dinner. It was good to get out of the house and it was also good to see everyone. My sister had her diaper shower too at the dinner so we got to give her a present. The only thing that went wrong was I was a BAD MOM!! I did not pay attention to the time too well and I left the restaurant when I should have been feeding her!! That means the 20 minutes it took me to get home she screamed the whole time and I felt SOOO bad!! It did cross my mind to pull over and feed her on the side of the road, but I decided that would not be very safe or smart.

Thursday-We got some great news...My sister, Laurie, found out that she is going to be induced on December 6th unless Mya Elizabeth decides to come earlier! That means Tatum Alivia will have a new cousin very soon! We are all excited to meet her very soon!

Friday-Antonio's mom came over and kept Tatum and I got to go out for a few hours to run some errands. As much as I love Tatum, it was so great to get out of the house for a little bit!! Thank God for MILs.

Saturday-Antonio, Tatum, and I all went to our Childbirth/Parenting Class Reunion. There were several classes all together and only 4 couples out of our class showed up. However, the couple we talked to the most, Amy and Wes, showed up and we got to meet their beautiful little girl. I was hoping to get some pics of the girls together before they left, but I didn't get a chance.

Saturday night...Tatum slept in her crib for the first time!!! She did so good. We put her in her bed after I fed her at 11pm and it took about 30-45 minutes for her to get settled down and go to sleep. She then woke up at 2am and did so well. As soon as I fed her, I changed her diaper and put her in her crib and she went right back to sleep. Then she woke up at 5am and ate and went back to sleep and we finally got up at 8am and ate and stayed up. We are hoping she does this EVERY night except maybe sleeps thru a feeding or two. One thing is for sure MOMMY LOVES her sleep and misses it VERY much!! I look forward to the day that I can sleep 8-10 hours straight!!!

I guess that is all for now. I am sure that I have forgotten some things again, but Tatum is hungry and telling me ALL about it right now, so I must cut this short.

Until next time...

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