Okay, I am back at the computer to blog for the world. This is April (aka Mommy). Here is a fast weekend overview...
Saturday, Antonio, Tatum, and I went to the Memphis vs. Ole Miss game. We went early to tailgate and Tatum did very well, but when we got to the stadium, it was a different story. We only lasted through the first quarter and left at the beginning of the second. Tatum was just too hot and it was too crowded to let her down and cruise along the benches. We had planned to get a babysitter, but try finding a babysitter on Labor Day Weekend. It's not an easy task. Anyway, here is Tatum before we left to tailgate. Her skirt has a Memphis Tiger paw on the left side, but you can't see it in the pictures.
After we left the game, we headed home to watch the game on tv and pack to go to the TN River with some friends. Once again, we had hoped to find a babysitter so that we didn't have to take Tatum on the boat and all, but that just doesn't happen on Labor Day Weekend. Anyway, we all spent the night Saturday night and Sunday morning Tatum woke me up around 9:30 for a bottle, so here she is having her bottle on the couch.
Ashley and Kevin have the most PRECIOUS dog, Oliver. He is HUGE, but thinks he is a little lap dog. I wanted to wake Antonio up, so I told Oliver to jump on the bed with him and he did! lol.... Here is the proof!
Tatum and Oliver just hit it off from the beginning! They had so much fun together. Tatum loved giving him kisses and Oliver loved to kiss back.
After we all went to eat breakfast, we headed out on the boat. I had prepared for Tatum to hate it and I thought I would end up in the cabin with Tatum chilling on the couch watching TV. I told Ashley there was no way she would sleep on the boat. Boy, was I wrong. Here she is asleep in my arms on the boat.
Antonio was about to get in the water to do something and I snapped a "model" pose of him.
This thing that Antonio is on is called "THE MANTA RAY".(I think that's how you spell it.) Anyway, this thing made me crazy!! It was made to fly up in the air and boy did it!! I have a video of one of the guys with us, on this manta ray and he gets 37 FEET in the air!!!! I promise it was the scariest thing I have seen in a long time!!
Ashley was gearing up to tackle the manta ray!! I don't know that I would have been so excited.!! I chickened out from getting on it.
The next picture is Ashley knee boarding. She was SO GOOD at this. She was doing spins on it and everything. I have a video of this too, but I need to figure out how to get it up.
This next picture looks like Tatum is just sitting in her Daddy's lap, but she was actually nodding off to sleep. It was so cute...
...so he finally layed her down in the seat so she could stretch out and get a good nap.
Coleman decided that it would be easier to eat his Puffs from the floor. Good thing I had just mopped the floor.
I think he just needed a little milk and a spoon.
Tatum had to take a nap and while she was away, Coleman drove the Jeep and Camryn chilled out in the swing.
Tim and Jennifer showed that they need at least 2 kids to take care of. Maybe twins would be good??
When everyone left, Tatum got in her car and took a cruise around the house. As she cruises, she always goes to the gate to check on Maggie. Maggie will usually come up and they share some kisses between the gate.
That's all I have for now. Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!
My partner just got a much deserved promotion and now I am without a partner, so my work load has pretty much doubled. However, it is going to be just fine. I love my job and I just need to stay focussed and be sure to get some good sleep at night!
Until next time....
Sorry that your much wanted babysitter pooped out on you. Looks like you had a big weekend without me. I don't blame Tatum for taking a nap. Looked like a perfect place to sleep.
You a much better blogger than me. Love all the pics. I updated mine recently. Also I really enjoyed the Tatum blog about 3 posts ago
Tatum really is such a perfect little baby! She is just always so good!!!
I wish Adalie would sleep in until 9:30! Glad you guys had a good labor day. Hope you get good new partner soon!
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