Here is the best picture we could get of Tatum's 2 top teeth that have broken through...
But, she REALLY loves her pink Jeep! (Notice the hair! This is why it must be cut. It always ends up in her eyes and I feel bad. Bows stay in, but as active as she is these days, they don't last long.)
Tatum could also wear this stocking cap on her head to keep her hair out of her eyes??
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The last two videos are just random ones that you guys might enjoy.
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I LOVE to watch Tatum crawl!! It is SO sweet!! Can you believe how fast they are growing?!!!
Grand-daddy and grandmommy have just watched the newest video of Tatum. This time we were smart enough to turn the sound on. WoW! We are really catching on to this blogging, aren't we???!!! The pictures are precious and I too am amazed at how fast Tatum is growing and developing. Grand-daddy cannot believe how much she has changed since he saw her on Mother's Day. Keep up the blogging--it is great.
Grandmommy and Grand-daddy
I love Tatum's hair!! These pics are too funny! Looks like she is keeping you quite busy!
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