Friday, October 29, 2010

30 Days of Truth-Day 6: Something you hope you never have to do

I hope you didn't think I had given up on the 30 days of truth challenge I committed to.  I wanted to take a little break to celebrate Tatum's birthday.

So, I am on Day 6-Something you hope you never have to do...

Well there are some obvious answers to this one...lose a family member would be one of my most obvious now that I am married with children, but I will try to post something to go along with this.

I hope I never have to look back on life (when I am MANY years older than I am now) with regret.  Regret on how I raised my kids...regret with opportunites I passed on...regret with decisions I made...regret on things said/not said....etc.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween!  We have a fun packed weekend, so I will have lots of pictures to post after the weekend!

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