Monday, October 13, 2008

Girl's Trip

I know I am WAY behind on blogging, so I thought I would post one now and more to come later. Jennifer S. and I went on a long, relaxing girl's trip back in September and had a blast. Here are a few pictures....most are self explanitory.

First, are some pictures of where we stayed.

The pool....
Our view from the over looks Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs....
A picture from the living room looking back at the kitchen and the entrance door....
The living room....
And finally my room....I failed to get any pictures of Jennifer's room. She had the "good" room with the king size bed, nice view, etc. She had never been here before, so I wanted to spoil her good!
THe first day we went to the Wax Museum downtown. Let me just say I was expecting wax figures of Britney Spears, Brad Pitt, Paris Hilton, etc....However, none of those people were at this wax museum....Instead I got this...

The Last Supper....
Bill and Hillary Clinton (yest that is her and NO it didn't look like her)
Jennifer posing with Elvis...
There were tons of other politicians and other history stuff, but I was a little bored. I apologize for making us go in there.
We also walked through a bath house or 2. I had done this before, but it was still fun. The best find I saw in a bath house is below....
Look closer.....TIGER Toilet RANDOM!?!?!? I loved it though!

I also got to spend lots of time with my friend Kimberly H. She lived in Memphis and worked with me at Cintas for a while, but now lives in Hot Springs. She has a little girl that is about 6-8 weeks older than Tatum and she also has a little boy on the way due at the end of November. She looks great and I look, well FAT. Oh well, this was the best picture. It was GREAT gettings to see her and I am glad she lives a little closer than before.
Then, Jennifer MADE me do this next thing....(just kidding, but I wasn't very excited about it). We went to the top of this!!!!
I was brave enough to get a few pictures and then I was ready to head back down. Jennifer was very understanding and only made fun of me a few times. What can I say, I didn't like it! Here is a shot of Hot Springs...
And here is the famous Arlington Hotel...
Me looking fat and scared but I had to get a picture....see how tight I am holding on to that rail? lol
Jennifer enjoying the fresh air so high...
Me taking a self photo with the Arlington Hotel in the was windy so my hair was in my mouth...
After that scary adventure, we headed to the Arlington Hotel to see about booking a massage. This one lady was sure trying to sell us, so she gave us these warm neck things....I didn't wear it long though cause it was making me SWEAT!
We also went to anther museum. I didn't take too many pics but there was lots of cool little things. Here is a toilet that is a water fountain....."a Sip of Faith"....mind over matter....would you take a sip??
Jennifer did! Okay so she didn't really, but I made her pose for my picture!
There were many more pics taken, but they are pretty boring I am sure. We had a blast relaxing, watching movies, shopping, getting massages, manicures, pedicure, etc. I can't wait for the next trip. It may be harder to swing though since I will soon have 2 little ones and Jennifer will have a little one as well to take care of.
I will post a baby update soon....there really is lots going on, but I want to take a belly pic to post too.


Martha said...

What a fun little girls' trip! Your room there looks so relaxing!

Buck Rogers said...

so i was reading this on my backberry and I missed the part about it you going to Hot Springs, and i was readin how horrible the wax museum you went to. I was thinking to myself if she thinks that is bad she should go to the Hot Spring one in AR. Went back and realized that you were in AR

Kimberly said...

I had a blast w/ u guys while you were in town. I wish you'd have a girls trip here every year! Or more often!
And I'm the fat one, we can both attest to that!!!!!!!!! If only that camera had been pointed a little lower we'd have proof!