Monday, July 14, 2008

16 Week Update

I had a dr's appt today. Everything went great. I measured right on and got to hear the heartbeat. I did lose another pound and my dr. said that I need to start gaining soon. she said she would give me another month until she started to really get on me though. She said it was ok not to gain, but she doesnt want me losing from now on.

I am still getting sick everyday (which would explain me not gaining still, I think). However, it is more managable, if that is possible. I stopped taking the Zofran because I felt like it stopped working and it was causing a painful side effect. I now get sick in the mornings and feel pretty good the rest of the day.

The heat here in Memphis is not fun, but I know it would be MUCH WORSE if I were further along.

We go back August 11th for the "BIG ULTRASOUND" but we are sticking to our guns and not finding out the sex of the baby.

We are working with Tatum to know what is the "baby's things" vs. "her things". Example...we got out a bottle and tried to explain that it was the baby's but she just said "mine". And my reaction was "oh dear!" She will point to my belly when I ask her where the baby is though, so that is progress, right?

That's about it for a baby update. I need to take another belly pic and post it....I am getting pretty bad about it, but will get one up soon.


Amanda said...

I can't believe the big u/s is just around the corner!! I hope the sickness will ease up on you soon. You have to stay healthy for that little one!

Jennifer said...

yeah we are waiting on that absent belly pic