Sunday, December 02, 2007

Little Drama Queen Proof

Tatum is at the age now that she is just so entertaining and funny to me and Antonio. Everytime she has ever sneezed(even when she was a tiny baby), Antonio and I always say "Bless You". It got to the point after she would sneeze and we would say "Bless You", she would always smile because she expected it I guess. Anyway, her new thing it to FAKE sneeze so that we will say "Bless You" to her. We FINALLY got it on video...

Yesterday, we went to eat at Memphis Pizza Cafe. Antonio gave her a chip dipped in italian dressing and she made the most aweful face. I tried to capture it on video, but I think the shock of the italian dressing had warn off. Here is a video anyway...

Her little personality is really coming out and she LOVE attention and getting reactions from family as well as strangers. There was an 11-12 yr old boy eating at Memphis Pizza Cafe yesterday and she would not stay turned around at the table. She was too busy "acting" like she was shy and flashing him the biggest smiles and giggling.

That's all for now.


Milton, Alesa and Addyson said...

She is too sweet! I think I have said this about every age, but this age is SO FUN!!!

Amanda said...

Hilarious! I don't think I can fake a sneeze quite as well!

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Kimberly said...

OH Tatum u are too funny!