Friday, September 22, 2006

Soccer Mom Practice

I know I haven't blogged in a while and I apologize for that, but I have been SO TIRED this week. I feel like I am in my first trimester again and I can't do anything but sleep. Anyway, that is for another blog. So let me get to this one....

Last Saturday I had the chance to practice being a soccer mom! My preacher and his wife were out of town and they needed help with their 3 kids getting to all their football and soccer games on Saturday. So, I was lucky enough to get to take their little girl, we will just call her K, to her soccer game. I must say I had SO much fun watching her!!! "Why?" you ask, well Antonio sees a future soccer star in my tummy, so I got to experience my future if Tatum Alivia likes sports.

I was NOT the best soccer "mom" out there though, cause we got there and I took no chair with me, so I had to sit on the ground. That was fine by me, but after an hour my back end was beginning to hurt a little. Also, what "soccer mom" forgets to buy a water or powerade for the game?? ME!! I felt so bad because the coaches would yell "WATER BREAK." and K would run over hot and out of breath and I had nothing for her. Luckily, the coaches brought some snacks and drinks for after the game, so they gave K hers early.

K was definitely the star of the game!! She was the best goalie AND the best player on the field!! I promise she was, I am not being partial!! She was awesome and I was proud to be there cheering her on. Anyway, I learned that I need to learn more about soccer if Tatum Alivia plans to play because I don't know all the rules.(However, if she plays basketball then I will be just fine!! I just hope she likes sports at all!) So, here are the pics....

Everyone knows a good athlete must stretch before each game to take care of the body and muscles.

After stretching, a team needs to practice kicking the ball into the goal!

After all the stretching and practicing, it is game time!

Look how good K is at controlling the ball and keeping the defense back!

Now she is ready to show everyone how she works the net!!

During half time, sometimes you just "GOTTA GO!!"

This last picture is by far my favorite! K was such a good player! She is fast and knows how to play a great game of soccer! Maybe she can teach Tatum Alivia how to play in a few years!!

Like I said before, I was so PROUD being there watching K play soccer, I have been going to church with her for like 4 years, so I can remember when Antonio and I kept her in the nursery. She has grown up so much over the years and it is awesome.

I sat there at the game wondering if my parents were as proud of me everytime they watched me play in a basketball game. While I loved playing, I don't think I was any good at all. I can't wait to experience watching Tatum Alivia play sports, do gymnastics, dance, play in the marching band, or anything else she wants to do.

1 comment:

Buck Rogers said...

Danni's legs are so powerul that I can't wait to see her play sports either. She probably will walk before she crawls